Side Effects Of Vitamin D Tablets Uk
? The amount of high quality evidence. The more evidence, the more we can trust the results.
? The direction and size of the supplement's impact on each outcome. Some supplements can have an increasing effect, others have a decreasing effect, and others have no effect.
? Scientific research does not always agree. HIGH or VERY HIGH means that most of the scientific research agrees.
The risk of falls in the elderly (and subsequently, rate of bone fractures) appears to be significantly reduced with Vitamin D supplementation at 700 IU or greater, with most research in the 700-1000 IU range. Lower doses do not appear effective, and a greater protective effect appears to exist alongside calcium supplementation (and possibly Vitamin K supplementation)
There appears to be less risk of cardiovascular disease and related cardiovascular complications with supplementation of 1,000 IU of Vitamin D or higher serum levels of Vitamin D, although studies using less have had null results. The degree of prevention found in positive trials is of borderline clinical significance.
Vitamin D supplementation is the reference drug for reductions in parathyroid hormone due to directly negatively regulating its secretion
The association between serum Vitamin D at 37ng/mL and colorectal cancer is is approximately a halving of risk according to one meta-analysis, which is a notable risk reduction
Persons with higher serum vitamin D appear to have less frequency asthmatic attacks relative to persons with lower Vitamin D levels
Some correlational and intervention studies note that higher serum vitamin D is associated with mildly lower blood pressure, although the evidence is somewhat conflicted and effects that have been found are rather small.
Mixed effects on overweight/obese persons, but it appears that normalizing a deficiency may aid fat loss in persons of higher body weight. Insufficient evidence to suggest the role of Vitamin D in lean persons
A decrease in bone fracture risk (nonvetebral and hip) appears to exist when supplemental doses of Vitamin D3 are taken above 800 IU, with this protective effect being highly correlated with the improvement in functionality and fall reduction risk
There is evidence for a modest reduction in the risk for respiratory tract infections in general, likely coming largely from upper respiratory tract infections, and more meaningful when vitamin D levels are very low (a small number of people). There is also some evidence for a modesty reduction in pneumonia and influenza, though more research is needed to be very confidence in this.
Studies overall support a modest-moderate reduction in the rate of upper respiratory tract infections overall, with greater reductions for those with low vitamin D levels. There is some evidence that daily or weekly supplementation of vitamin D is more effective than large bolus doses, and while suggestive of a benefit, it's unclear if large bolus doses themselves are meaningfully beneficial.
Studies have not found a lower rate of lower respiratory tract infections. However, it's possible that those with low vitamin D levels could see some benefit. More evidence is needed.
There wasn't an apparent benefit of vitamin D usage in COPD.
There is some evidence that vitamin D may improve inflammation and clinical symptoms in COVID-19 patients, but this may not hold true with all dosing regimens. So far, a few studies have shown that high dosages for 8–14 days may work, but a single high dose isn't likely to have the same benefit.
An improvement in muscular and neural functionality in the elderly is thought to underlie the reductions of fall risk and reduced bone fracture rate seen in elderly cohorts
Cohorts of people with higher serum Vitamin D appear to die less frequently than cohorts with less serum Vitamin D; this may be heavily influenced by reducing falls in the elderly (reduction of falls and subsequent hospitalizations reducing death rates)
A higher vitamin D level in serum during growth spurts in children is associated with greater heights during adulthood; currently no evidence to support the role of Vitamin D in inducing height growth in adults
The evidence overall supports a small reduction in the risk for influenza, though the effect is quite inconsistent. More research is needed to know whether or not those with low vitamin D levels largely contribute to the reductions in risk.
An improvement in insulin secretion is noted in diabetics (type II mostly) and in persons at risk for diabetes, which is thought to be secondary to protective effects at the level of the pancreas.
Improvements in insulin sensitivity can occur secondary to increasing pancreatic insulin secretion
An increase in IL-5 has been noted with Vitamin D supplementation
An increase in lean mass has been noted in dieting obese women relative to control (2,000IU) and a trend to reduce lean mass relative to control has been noted in exercising healthy persons (4,000IU); there appears to be potential for both effects with Vitamin D supplementation, but there is insufficient evidence to draw conclusions
Either no significant influence on LDL cholesterol or a slight increase (around 5%) has been noted; practical significance of this information unknown
Most studies have found a decrease in general symptoms when given to women with vitamin D deficiency, some finding notable reductions and some finding small reductions. It's currently not known why studies differ, and more research is needed.
Supplementing vitamin D doesn't reliably improve clinical symptoms (such as relapse rate or disability), but may have some valuabe immunomodulatory properties and reduce the formation of lesions.
A decrease in symptoms associated with tuberculosis are noted with Vitamin D
A decrease has been noted over time relative to placebo, of relatively minor magnitude
An increase in testosterone has been noted in men with 3,332 IU of Vitamin D over the course of a year
The decrease in triglycerides is present after long term ingestion of Vitamin D, although it isn't to a highly significant degree
No significant influence on fasting blood glucose levels
Superloading Vitamin D (rather than staying sufficient) does not appear to further increase absorption rates of calcium, although normalizing a deficiency can aid in absorption which is hindered.
No significant influence on endothelial function
No significant alterations in food intake noted with Vitamin D supplementation
The decrease in HbA1c is statistically insignificant and very small in magnitude, likely not a concern.
No significant influence on select inflammatory cytokines
No significant influence on fasting insulin levels
Research doesn't generally support a reduction in the length of respiratory tract infections, pneumonia, or influenza once infected, though a small amount of research (not to be relied upon) suggested that those with very low vitamin D benefits could see a reduction for upper respiratory tract infection duration.
No detectable influence on metabolic rate over time
Although a trend to increase power output has been noted, most research suggest no benefit, although recovery times may improve.
There wasn't a reliable effect on the reduction in sickness severity overall. However, it's possible that those with low vitamin D levels could see a reduction in the severity of upper respiratory tract infections, but more research is needed to have confidence in this.
No significant alterations noted in weight, even when fat mass is lost, in obese persons
The risk of developing MS is significantly reduced by both sunlight, latitude, and supplemental Vitamin D
May reduce symptoms of athralgia
Appears to be somewhat effective at reducing the occurrence of asthma attacks in youth
There is less risk of breast cancer associated with Vitamin D supplementation
There was a small reduction in the rate and severity of menstrual cramps from 50,000 IU weekly in vitamin D deficient girls. More research is needed.
One study found a moderate effect in participants with major depression.
Small drops in hematocrit were noted in vitamin D-insufficient healthy people supplemented with 800 IU over 12 weeks.
Small drops in hemoglobin were noted in vitamin D-insufficient healthy people supplemented with 800 IU over 12 weeks.
May reduce the incidence of type 1 diabetes in offspring and adults when supplemented (for the former, but the mothers)
Appears to be associated with less risk of pancreatic cancer
Small drops in red blood cell count were noted in vitamin D-insufficient healthy people supplemented with 800 IU over 12 weeks.
No apparent effect on the risk of having a cough in one study.
One randomized, controlled trial in 40 depressed patients found a modest but non-significant (p=0.06) reduction in Beck-II score compared with placebo after supplementation of 50,000 IU of vitamin D once at the start of an 8 week period.
No apparent effect on the risk of having a fever in two studies.
No change in HDL-C was seen in vitamin D-insufficient healthy people supplemented with 800 IU over 12 weeks.
Mixed and insufficient evidence overall from studies on children. No apparent evidence of a preventative effect from one study, and the mixed evidence refers to trials of dosing after pneumonia has already developed.
Side Effects Of Vitamin D Tablets Uk
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